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How to Flash Sony Xperia Firmware

These are instructions for powering Sony Xperia Firmware (ROM) on Sony Xperia Smartphone and Sony Tablet by using Sony Mobile Flasher Device.Requirements: Your device must have phone battery power of at least 30-40 percent for flashing.
Flash Sony Xperia Firmware

Step 1Download and install Sony Xperia USB Driver on your computer. If you have already installed the USB driver on your computer then,SKIP this step.
USB Logo
Step 2Download and extract Sony Xperia Firmware (ROM) on your computer. After extracting the firmware, you will be able to seesimilar file:
xperia firmware
Step 3Download and install Sony Mobile Flasher on your computer. If you have already downloaded and Installed the Sony Mobile Flasher, then SKIPthis step.
flashtool install
Step 4: Once Sony Mobile Flasher is installed,Open It (C:drive > FlashTool).
flashtool open
Step 5: Once Sony Mobile Flasher is launched, you will be able to see similar screen:
sony mobile flasher androxyde Sony Xperia Firmware
Step 6: Now, Click on Flash Button to continue.
sony mobile flasher flash button
Step 7: Now, you will able to see the Bootmode Chooser dialog box. Select Flashmode and Clickon OK to continue.
sony mobile flasher flashmode
Step 8: Now, Click on the Load button and locate the Xperia Firmware (ftf file).
sony mobile flasher locate
sony mobile flasher firmware select
Step 9: Now, Select the loaded firmware.
select firmware xperia flashtool
Step 10: Now, Click on Flash Button to begin the Flashing process.
sony mobile flasher start flash
Step 11: Now, Turn OFF your Sony Xperia Device.
power off sony xperia
Step 12: Now, Press and Hold Volume Downbutton and Connect the device to the computer using the USB cable.
Connect mobile to computer
Step 13: Once, your device is successfully connected to the computer, then you will be able to see Added message in Sony Mobile Flasher tool.
device added xperia mobile flasher
Step 14: Now, Flashing will begin automatically and may takes 5-10 minutes to complete.
sony xperia flashing
Step 15: Once Flashing process is completed,disconnect your device from the computer andTurn it ON.

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